Wednesday, April 10, 2013


As the years pass, I can't believe how fast life passes by! While we were on vacation, Marc and I celebrated our 9th Anniversary! Marc and I have been together for 15 years and I've learned so much about life, love, values, family, and the troubles we all share along the way. Life: I've learned that you must live each day to the fullest, no regrets, always look forward. Love: Hold on to those who you love, make memories with them, laugh with them, Love them. Values: Christian values are so crucial to the survival and completion of life, raising my children to be Christians is my highest goal, God needs to be first in the family. Family: such a special word.....what is a family? To me it's the people whom you love and cherish...there are those who are blood, those brought in by marriage, and those who are such good friends that we all know God made to be our family. Family is not just people, it's a home...defined by those who abide, the things they do together, and the words they exchange. Troubles: We all have them, we all deal with them in different ways....I think they define who we are and cultivate us into who we are meant to be! Over the past 9 years, Marc and I have had ups and downs and I believe that we took a vow under God and this vow reminds us that we have to overcome all of our downs and to enjoy and cherish all the ups. Marc and I have been blessed with two sweet little boys, I try to pray for them daily. I also pray for their future and their future spouses. I pray that they are being raised in good Christian homes too. I hope that my boys will always respect the sanctity of marriage and learn the value of family. Anniversaries are a time to reflect on the things that matter most in relationships....I am thankful for those who took time to remember and celebrate our special day with us. Looking forward: I can't wait to see where life takes us.....I wonder what the next chapter of our life will tell, I can't wait to make more memories, shed some tears, and create more laughter.....I look forward to many more years to come! That's all for now........

Memories...begin where the magic is and dreams come true

Well, I did it! I held onto the secret and surprised my boys with Disney! Last Monday, Marc and I woke the boys up super early to go for a ride. Jackson questioned where we were going and we said, not sure...lets just see! My dad and Jennifer followed in the car behind us. Davis talked NON-sop the entire way!!!! When we got to Florida, I gave special attention to road signs and pointed to the opposite side of the road to ensure that he didn't readout destination! We arrived at a hotel which was 12 miles before Disney...Jackson was disappointed that he couldn't swim in the pool. we found an amusement park across the street and he drove the cars, which seemed to settle him! The next morning, we got up and began to get ready and strategically put Jackson in the shower last...while he was bathing we set out the personalized Disney shirts to surprise him!
He came out and saw the shirts and was shyly surprised! Davis was excited to meet Mickey too!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring is here!

I cannot believe that spring is here! This has been the fastest year! The boys are growing so fast! Jackson is doing so well in school....he has made perfect 120s on all of his spelling tests this year! He recently competed with the odyssey of the mind at school and did so great! He made an octopus costume and it was quite impressive! He has lost his two bottom teeth so far. He loves to play outside, ride his bike and scooter, and play ball.....he is getting ready to start baseball again and is so excited! Davis is getting big too! He is using the potty and has worn bug boy underwear for the past four weeks successfully! He is talking up a storm and into everything! He loves to build with his Legos, cook on his grill and kitchen, and play with puppies! He loves animals and is always toting one around! Marc is still busy with work and is always on the go....he has great aspirations and I hope he fulfills his dreams! As for me, I started running two weeks ago....trying to find my inner healthiness! Spring break begins on Friday!!!!!! I cannot believe that Easter is almost here. We have big plans next week and I cannot wait to surprise my boys!!!! That's all for now.....

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Between the hustle and bustle....taking time to cherish my blessings....

I cannot believe that Christmas is just around the corner! Over the past few weeks, so much has happened and we are all so busy at parties, plays, and shopping! It is Christmas Eve, eve!!! This holiday, my heart feels soooo overwhelmingly blessed! Just over a week ago, there was a tragedy in which many precious lives were taken from this earth, from their loved ones, from their families.......the tragedy took over my emotions and I tried to empathize with their losses. As the weekend progressed, details were released, amd I was sick at what those poor babies endured. Then the names and ages were released....they were first graders, many were weeks apart from Jackson. My heart was and still is just sooo heavy. As I wrapped presents I cried, thinking of the Christmas' that will never be the same......I cry now ask type this....just wish I could understand and heal the pain.....what's sad is that we all take life for granted, each day we may forget to tell those who are important how much we love them and how much they add to our lives......since that tragic day, I am trying to hug my boys a little more, kiss them, and tell them how much I love them, everyday! I also think about family, what does family mean, and how someone could jeopardize a family from within....I have been praying for healing and peace over a situation within my family for almost a this holiday season I am sad that things haven't gotten better, I am sad to say they are worse....the bible says to forgive and forget, I pray for this for us I look at my two sweet boys, I cannot imaging ever talking down about them or their families....I just pray for love and peace. I am so excited to see Christmas through my boys eyes this year! Jackson is enthralled with Zeek and has such a twinkle in his eyes about Christmas....Davis is super exited too, he just doesn't know why! I am sure he will get it on Christmas morning! I am sooo proud of my boys, this past Wednesday, Jackson and Davis were in the church play...Davis sang (well mostly danced and clapped) with the little ones, and Jackson sang Silent Night all by himself! He did soooo good! I was also proud when he shared the true meaning with his friends at school! Makes my heart so proud to know that I am raising him to be a good Christian. Merry Christmas!!!! That's all for now.....

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A little turkey, shopping, and potty trainin'

Well it's been a fun break!! I cat believe we're back to work tomorrow! It has been so nice to be off, spend time with family and friends, and relax! I'll start with potty's been going so well....we moved to pull-ups this weekend....well tonight when we got home, Davis went pee-pee, he jumped up to tell "dada, pee-pee, YES!!" He couldn't find Marc and proceeded to squat a poo in the living room....aaahhhhh!!! What can I say to that?!? I am proud of him, despite this little incident! Jackson found it amusing too! Thanksgiving was good, despite the fact we had some family members not come without telling us.....It is frustrating and I just can't wrap my head around it....I hate it for my boys...I can't make them understand. I pray for the issues to be solved. I had loads of fun shopping with two awesome friends...we had an all-nighter and saw lots of interesting people and found some good deals too! I didn't need much, but I sure had fun getting the deals! Tomorrow, we are back to work and the busy-ness that we call life! That's all for now....

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!!

Happy Turkey Day!! I can't believe that Thanksgiving is here! It has been such a fast year with just so much to be thankful for! As I smell the turkey, that has been in the oven since 3 AM, I am reminded of my husband and am thankful for all he does for us, me, and my boys! I am thankful for his work ethics, his fathering, and his husbanding! I am also VERY thankful for the "little" blessing God gave me, Jackson and Davis! They are such wonderful blessings and I am soooo grateful that they are mine! Last night, as I was deviling the eggs, I was reminded of my brother....on Thanksgiving he would always eat the egg whites, and I would have the yellow innards! I am thankful for him, even though I don't get to see him often. I am thankful for my parents....they raised me and gave me the best examples of how to love, parent, and to be a Christian,,,,they both love my babies very much and I am thankful for all they do! I am thankful for all my family, from the grandparents, aunts, and uncles, in-laws, to the cousins, to those who are newly added through marriage....I look forward to family gatherings...wish we could see everyone more often....makes me more thankful for the times we do have together! I am thankful for the friends God placed in my life! My bedtime is here this week, and I am sooo thankful for the tears, laughter, and all the memories we have made! I am thankful for my church, my preacher and his wife, and my church friends! I am so thankful that they let me sing and share my talent. I am thankful for education, for mynoatentsnfor encouraging me as I grew up to push harder and strive to be the best, as I result I was able to get scholarships and a great education. This has been a great key in the opportunities of life. I am thankful for my jobs, and my work friends....I am thankful for all my little patients, the headaches they sometimes give me, and the progress and smiles I see when they start to talk better! I am sooooo thankful for communication! I am thankful for shelter, food, and all God has blessed me with. On this thanksgiving day I hope we all take a minute, and think about our blessings and all we have been given and should be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!! That's all for now.....

Sunday, November 18, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

The tree is up, mantle and staircase are decorated, wreaths ad bows are all over!! Christmas time is here!!! I am soooooooo excited for this holiday season!!! Davis is going everywhere, saying "ho-ho-ho!" Cuteness!! Jackson is excited too! Tonight we were driving home from play practice and the song, "it's the most wonderful time of the year" was planning. Jackson started talking bout how this really IS the most wonderful time of the year...I asked why?, he was like, you know, because of Christmas, Jesus' birthday! And you know, being wi family and stuff! He also told me that, "mom, you know what thanksgiving is for?", me.."no, what?" He was like, "not about e food and all, just family!" He is just too sweet! He had another great week at school, with another 100 on his spelling test! So smart! I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is this week.....the the greatest shopping holiday is upon us!!!! BLACK FRDAY!!!! WooHoO! I am most excited that my beastie, Mandy will be here to celebrate the event with me!! That's all for now.....