Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!!

Happy Turkey Day!! I can't believe that Thanksgiving is here! It has been such a fast year with just so much to be thankful for! As I smell the turkey, that has been in the oven since 3 AM, I am reminded of my husband and am thankful for all he does for us, me, and my boys! I am thankful for his work ethics, his fathering, and his husbanding! I am also VERY thankful for the "little" blessing God gave me, Jackson and Davis! They are such wonderful blessings and I am soooo grateful that they are mine! Last night, as I was deviling the eggs, I was reminded of my brother....on Thanksgiving he would always eat the egg whites, and I would have the yellow innards! I am thankful for him, even though I don't get to see him often. I am thankful for my parents....they raised me and gave me the best examples of how to love, parent, and to be a Christian,,,,they both love my babies very much and I am thankful for all they do! I am thankful for all my family, from the grandparents, aunts, and uncles, in-laws, to the cousins, to those who are newly added through marriage....I look forward to family gatherings...wish we could see everyone more often....makes me more thankful for the times we do have together! I am thankful for the friends God placed in my life! My bedtime is here this week, and I am sooo thankful for the tears, laughter, and all the memories we have made! I am thankful for my church, my preacher and his wife, and my church friends! I am so thankful that they let me sing and share my talent. I am thankful for education, for mynoatentsnfor encouraging me as I grew up to push harder and strive to be the best, as I result I was able to get scholarships and a great education. This has been a great key in the opportunities of life. I am thankful for my jobs, and my work friends....I am thankful for all my little patients, the headaches they sometimes give me, and the progress and smiles I see when they start to talk better! I am sooooo thankful for communication! I am thankful for shelter, food, and all God has blessed me with. On this thanksgiving day I hope we all take a minute, and think about our blessings and all we have been given and should be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!! That's all for now.....

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