Monday, March 28, 2011

Mondays~Single parent night at my house as usual!!

Mondays are always nights that daddy is away with work, meetings, or work-meetings, so I get to pick the menu......since I never cook, we always got out! Tonight, a dear friend met us for supper and we went to Basil's...not the most diet friendly place, but tonight I got a great deal.....I noticed on the window near the front door one of those facebook check-in symbols, so I asked the waitress, she said that we would get a gourmet pizza for $5.00!!!! They are regularly bewtween 10 and 11! I got a deal and wasn't even looking!! I think sweet Davis may be sick still :( He is super pitiful, and I am afraid it is his ears. He has one more dose of anitbiotics for his current third infection, but he just isn't himself...My boys are now snuggled in their beds, sweet as ever!! Other than Basil's no big deals tonight, I did scoop the clearance at Target..nothing special there tonight! Oh well, I will have to continue my search!! That is all for now....

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